Changing Business Practices and the Future of Businesses 2023

TTO Parts Business practices and printers the industrial printing supplier

Changing Business Practices and the Future of Businesses 2023


Happy New Year 😊. With every New Year there is a chance to reminisce on the past and help reflect and make goals for your future.


As I am sure you know, there have been many changes since Covid-19. Some changes have been positive while others negative. Covid-19 helped shape the “new normal” as did many other life changing issues in the past: 9-11, 2008 crisis, and many others.


Each event has left its mark on how we as people view our lives and business. Each time there have been new changes and we have dug deeper into research to come out in the forefront of each market.


Covid-19 has caused many businesses to promote “work life balance.” Before it has been frowned upon to have children and dogs in the background of a conversation, but now it is normal. Who would have thought you could work at the very place you eat and sleep?


Thinking about children and dogs in the background, I find that it helps remind us that we are all individuals and people. To remember we are doing our best in the toughest times to ensure our businesses strive. It is not something that should be looked at negatively but as motivation. They are not letting negative circumstances stand in their way of their future. Many businesses are trying to achieve well rounded and motivated workers/employees. In times where there are employee shortages, businesses have to offer the best of everything. One way is to help achieve work life balance.


Covid-19 has brought about the need for better and new technology. Many businesses were shut down and they had to re-shape their business. Other industries were able to take a lead and create a new industry. Uber eats, Instacart, home deliveries have soared due to the need and busy lifestyle of many Americans. These industries have grown out of the downfalls of others.


While we are in the New Year. We need to continue to strive to stay in the lead of industry trends and try to think of worst-case scenarios.  Prepare our businesses for the future to ensure we remain on top and successful.


I wish you and your business nothing but the best. Before you go to bed tonight write down some ways that you think your business could prosper. Try and think of situations or issues in the systems you are currently working with. What would happen if a tragedy occurred. Would your business survive? If the answer is no, you should work on enhancing your policies and make necessary changes.

I am rooting for your business. I would love to hear your ideas and feedback. Feel free to email me anytime at


Sarah Quirk  

President of TTO Parts